I'm Supertramp, and you're Super-Apple

Monday, February 16, 2009

better late than never

although i immediately deemed these pictures much too unflattering and/or embarrassing to put on facebook, i knew they had to see daylight sometime. so come one, come all, to reminisce about new year's eve 2008!

we were feeling particularly lively this evening, as you can see. i'd just like to take this opportunity point out the abundance of fedoras, theater kids, kanye west "glasses," and generally attractive people.

mattias with my mom's old company's guitar. product placement!

oh, james. whatever would i do without you.

...and here commences kobias and i being ridiculous with the camera.

actually, the only good picture in the bunch.

just for the sake of juxtaposition....
(there are more, but i won't pain you as my beloved readership by posting them.)

oh, yes. haircut time.
the deceptively intimate me/mattias picture

since NYE is also my birthday, there was cake involved. shoutout to jess for rubix cube cake making!

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about me

My photo
United States
in my spare time i enjoy speaking in foreign accents, playing goal, reading short stories, surfing badly, wearing sweatpants in public, watching bend it like beckham, singing harmony, and looking stuff up on wikipedia. i also row five seat in a sweep eight, which i like most of the time.